We connect the world

ESCO is de specialist in koppelingen en transmissieproducten. Het aanbod wordt aangevuld met ondersteuning op het vlak van engineering en een volledig dienstengamma waardoor ESCO de ideale partner is om u bij al uw projecten te begeleiden. 

Engineering en Diensten

Waar we trots op zijn

Engineering en diensten 

U staat bij ons altijd centraal. Om u en uw projecten zo goed mogelijk te ondersteunen – van uw eerste idee tot ver na de implementatie – heeft ESCO een volledig dienstengamma ontwikkeld dat helemaal in het teken van uw tevredenheid staat.

Product Design

For more than 45 years ESCO Couplings has been designing and developing its own high-quality couplings. As a result of experience and know-how, we are now seen globally as a coupling specialist and placed among the top 5 coupling resellers.

Solution design

At ESCO Couplings, we are completely dedicated to the design and manufacture of couplings. From the moment the customer submits a price request, his needs are carefully assessed in detail in order to satisfy the specific requirements of his application. Starting with our sales staff, who have an engineering background and who can design the concept of the correct solution quickly on the spot.

Research and development

ESCO Couplings has a long history in the R&D field. In the past, our engineers succeeded in optimizing disc coupling design in order to reduce reaction forces to a minimum. They also eliminated phenomena such as fretting corrosion and buckling, which can limit the life of a lamination coupling significantly.


At ESCO Couplings, we want to serve the customer in the best possible way. This goes hand in hand with our long-lasting, high-quality couplings requiring very little maintenance and with our related services.


In order to ensure the safety and long life of our couplings, upon request our ESCO Couplings engineers provide on-site training courses at the customer’s premises and explain all the correct procedures for installing and maintaining the couplings and their components.
