Power Generation

Electricity is at the heart of every household and factory and must therefore have maximum availability. All power plants use the same principle for operation; they convert energy into electricity. The energy can be of thermal, solar, wind or water origin. Escogear and Escodisc couplings connect the driving machines to the electric generators to smoothly transfer the mechanical energy created to the electricity generators. Optimized coupling designs, lubricated or non-lubricated technology, combined with excellent balance characteristics allow for extended misalignment absorption and long, reliable operation at competitive prices.


Power generation, whether on a large scale or in smaller units, must be reliable all year long - hence reliable components must be used able to generate electricity but in some cases, also to protect driving or driven equipment from external hazards

ESCO Couplings High-speed Escogear and Escodisc couplings have been specially designed and adapted for the specific needs of this industry and used for more than 50 years in multi MW Gas- steam- and water turbine driven Generator sets for industrial and private use all over the world. Special Escogear and Escodisc couplings are designed for the windmill driving line.

power generation

Example of uses:

  • Escogear and Escodisc High-speed couplings connect prime movers such as gas and steam turbines to gearboxes and/or generators, as well as to compressors.
  • Escogear and Escodisc couplings are used in small to medium Hydrel power generation stations, connecting low-speed water turbines to generators in a horizontal or inclined position.
  • New Escodisc couplings design for the windmill kinetic driving line.
  • ESCO Couplings favor the design features of Escogear couplings for windmill applications. The higher misalignment capacity and the high power density permit the design of small, light couplings – naturally, in combination with brake discs and overload devices. The high axial capacity makes the construction of the driveline much simpler and in addition, assembly is quicker and easier.


All products

DWMO - variant

Multidisc pack subassembly version application-wise customized optimized for windmill applications, accommodating misalignment combinations up to 2 degrees
Torque up to 260,000 Nm
Bore up to 370 mm

FWMO - variant

Multicrown gearing optimized for wind mill applications accommodating misalignment combinations up to 2 (4) degrees
Torque up to 260,000 Nm
Bore up to 240 mm

N - series

Continuous geared sleeve with steel covers, basic design
Torque up to 2000 Nm
Bore up to 85 mm